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Hybrid Dentures
Hybrid Dentures
Here at Gateway Family Dentistry, we are proud to offer hybrid dentures for our patients. Hybrid dentures are a proven replacement for traditional dentures. They offer excellent predictability and esthetics while also being extremely functional.
Hybrid dentures work because a custom acrylic frame is made on your master model and then scanned. The scanned data and the individual platforms are transferred to a design area where the one-piece bar framework is finalized. The frame is then made from titanium to create a perfect fit that is less than 20 microns. This bar is incorporated into the acrylic area of the denture tooth.
Hybrid dentures have a lot of benefits. They will keep the jawbone healthier because they are more secure and are removable only by a dentist. Most ordinary dentures need to be taken out and cleaned daily.
They are much less painful because they are more stable than ordinary dentures and do not shift at all. It is also easier to maintain good oral health because you can clean them well since there is space in between them.
Hybrid dentures have many benefits and are a great alternative to ordinary dentures. Many who struggle with traditional dentures may find great relief with hybrid ones.
If you have any questions about hybrid dentures, please do not hesitate to contact us today at (480) 857-0745 to ask us more about them!