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Special Needs Patients
Special Needs Patients
Here at Gateway Family Dentistry, we are proud to provide dental services to patients with special needs.
Patients with special health care needs also may have special dental needs. Our dentists and staff strive to provide a compassionate and caring dental home every patient we treat. They will work one on one with you and your child to create an individual plan that will help your child achieve the best oral health care possible. Our dentists have had special training to help work with children who have unique needs.
Our office is wheelchair accessible. We welcome all children. Our amazing staff provide high quality dental care to every child they encounter. They work hard to ensure that each child’s needs are met and the experience goes smoothly and is enjoyable.
We also offer sedation for children that require it as well. If you have any questions about how we accommodate patients who have special needs, don’t hesitate to contact us today at (480) 857-0745.